Monday 13 August 2007

Beyond Freedom

If you want to achieve your annual income monthly and you consider yourself a serious entrepreneur with prosperity consciousness, willing to look at opportunities in the self-improvement field, then there are a number of facts you may find useful that could drive you from just a money maker to a billionaire and live the dreamlife you desire.

Last time we discussed the distinctive differences between entrepreneurs and employees and the role each plays in our society. It's easy to see how entrepreneurs have the upper hand in creating real wealth.

This time I will share with you a simple system you can follow to choose a business that will be right for you. The 5 Point Proven Business Evaluation System is what smart entrepreneurs use to carefully evaluate and select their business ventures. In the near future I'll be sharing with you each of the 5 Points.

Now, before I share with you the First Point of the System, consider this: Do you know what the highest paid profession in the world is? It doesn't require any formal education and has produced the most self-made millionaires than any other profession.......... you probably guessed it, it's sales!!

That's right, I said SALES! In our world, everyone's selling something. Perhaps you are already in sales in some capacity and are reaping the benefits of this career or you may be thinking "Sales....I'm not good at sales....I don't want to sell anything." If so, that way of thinking will greatly limit you and your income...if you are committed to achieving wealth in your life, immediately eliminate those thoughts from your mind. If you choose to only be a consumer in this world, you'll never benefit from leverage and you'll most likely end up broke.

The fact is, everyone has the ability to sell and every entrepreneur is selling something to someone, be it a product or a service.

Even if you think you're not a salesperson you are.......just look around. You've sold your friends on why they should like you, you've sold your partner or spouse on why they should love you, and, if you're working a job, you sold your boss on why they should hire you. You're awesome at it's time to profit from it.

So, why talk about sales? Because it's important for you to understand how lucrative the sales industry is before I share with you the First Point in the System which is to make sure the business you are looking to start "Fills a Need."

For any business to be successful, you have to provide something that people are looking for and are eager to benefit from. You have to provide people with something of value that will enhance their lives. The more excited people are about your product or service the more likely they are to come back for more and talk about it to everyone they know. If your product or service "Fills a Need" that people have, it will be an easy sell and you're business will explode!

Next time I'll share with you the 2nd Point in the Proven Business Evaluation System. Until then..... have a great week.

Tony Surry
Residual Income Opportunity.
Charles Haanel Secret to Success