Monday 2 March 2009

It's been awhile since I updated this!!!

I didn't realise that it's been almost a year since I put fingers to keyboard and updated this blog.

Well it's a very bright sunny day today here in the south of the UK. A bit chilly still but it's still early March. Had a very eventful 12 months with many trips around the UK and a longer holiday to China. We just caught the tail end of the Para Olympics while we were in Beijing. The trip included going from Beijing down to Xian, Guilan and on to Shanghai. The whole adventure was absolutely amazing and I highly recommend it to everyone.

Business has been busy and things in the UK and Europe are really buzzing now as more and more people are taking back control of their own lives and destiny. Most of the European guys are getting ready to head out to Acapulco for our Liberty event, which is a three day extravaganza of fun and stacks of useful information. Loads of networking with the millionaires in the company, so no doubt some very useful tips to be had during the social parts of the stay.

It does seem that for the last few months that there are more and more people looking for this sort of home-based business and Liberty League and the personal development industry as a whole is increasing turnover year on year. I must be in the right place at the right time.

Well that's about it for now. I'll get my act together and post more frequently:-)