Monday 2 March 2009

It's been awhile since I updated this!!!

I didn't realise that it's been almost a year since I put fingers to keyboard and updated this blog.

Well it's a very bright sunny day today here in the south of the UK. A bit chilly still but it's still early March. Had a very eventful 12 months with many trips around the UK and a longer holiday to China. We just caught the tail end of the Para Olympics while we were in Beijing. The trip included going from Beijing down to Xian, Guilan and on to Shanghai. The whole adventure was absolutely amazing and I highly recommend it to everyone.

Business has been busy and things in the UK and Europe are really buzzing now as more and more people are taking back control of their own lives and destiny. Most of the European guys are getting ready to head out to Acapulco for our Liberty event, which is a three day extravaganza of fun and stacks of useful information. Loads of networking with the millionaires in the company, so no doubt some very useful tips to be had during the social parts of the stay.

It does seem that for the last few months that there are more and more people looking for this sort of home-based business and Liberty League and the personal development industry as a whole is increasing turnover year on year. I must be in the right place at the right time.

Well that's about it for now. I'll get my act together and post more frequently:-)

Tuesday 8 April 2008

A Preview of the film "The Moses Code"

Hi, it's Tony here again,

Well, going by the feedback I've been getting the Liberty League Summit Conference in Rome was a major hit with all who attended.

Whilst a lot of the guys were over in Italy I had the privilege to a very select viewing of a new film called "The Moses Code". Somewhat of a follow on from "The Secret" movie. A little bit religious for my liking but, well worth getting the DVD when it comes out later this year. If you're into Quantum physics this will take you deeper into an understanding of where we all came from and how we are all connected to each other. There is no "out there" and an "in here", it is all the same on the quantum level. There is a book of the same name available through the usual sources.

I have now finished reading Richard Branson's "Screw it, Let's do it" and it was totally amazing how this guy sticks his neck on the line. Not only for his business but, also in his charity and environmental campaigns. This is a must to read.

Have now gone back for a second read of "The Power of your Subconscious mind" by Dr. Joseph Murphy. It's quite enlightening to find things we miss on the first reading of any book. I believe that as we all evolve we focus on items that we overlook on the original look. Our understanding builds all the time as we delve into how this life of ours really works.

Well thats all for now. Catch you later. Have a great day.

Tuesday 1 April 2008

April Fools Day !!!!

Hi, it's Tony again here,

Yes it's that time of the year here in the UK where anything can happen prior to 12.00 midday. It's April Fools Day and we have to be wary of the jokers out there.

All the guys from Liberty League are out in Italy this week, as it's the five day Summit conference. Going by the messages I'm getting from there they are having a great time. Several of us are staying put in the UK doing the business but, you really can travel anywhere in the world as long as you have a laptop and a phone to keep up with connecting with new people. So, it's a totally portable business.

Following on from going through my BeyondFreedom course for the fifth time, I find something new every time I go through it, I found I'm reading a lot of inspirational books. I've just finished reading one by Marci Shimoff, of the Secret movie, called "Happy for No Reason" which if you can get hold of a copy is amazing.

I have just started the latest from Richard Branson called "Screw it, Let's Do It" and is, so far, a mind blowing story from his childhood up to around 2006. How he is still alive is spectacular aside from his business achievements to date. He is definitely someone who walks the talk. He has shifted his approach to his business and personal life towards the major topic of global warming and the planet in general. All his future activities, it seems, are directed to not harming the environment and still generating income and most of all having fun.

Going to have a go at this movie in a minute. This is going to be a short testimonial from myself.

Catch you next time.

Tuesday 18 March 2008

Hello again, it's Tony Surry here.

After a quick look at the Liberty League leader board last night sales and call numbers are rocketing this week. Probably due to the upcoming event in Rome where thousands will be attending our 5 day Summit conference. It's got to be warmer down there than in the UK today.

My own leads are coming through steadily this week, which is fine, as if I get too many I tend to pass some over to my other associates to help them get going faster. Over the past twentyfour hours have had a number of conversations with other associates to provide any help and doing a few 3-ways when required. That's what I love about this business, everyone is only too happy to assist others, even if there is no financial gain to be had for them personally.

The numbers on the European/UK business overview call are increasing day after day and new people are jumping out to give testimonials about how they are doing in the business and the life changing effects of going through and applying the principles of the Beyond Freedom course.

Will have another go at doing a testimonial video later today and see how that turns out. If it's OK I will post up here later.

Took time out to view a DVD we recently received from James Arthur Ray called "Parallel Universes" which is well worth seeing yourself if personal development in important to you. A number of concepts were covered on the film which included a topic covered last week by Prof Stephen Hawkings about there being more than the four dimensions in this world. There could be eleven and possibly more. If get the chance get hold of a copy.

That's all for today.

Have a great certainly deserve it.

Monday 10 March 2008


Today the UK is being blasted by some severe storms coming in from the Atlantic so it's very much batten down the hatches. The south west is getting it worse than here. A combination of high winds and spring tides which can create flooding in low areas of the country. Just as well I'm 200/300ft above sea level.

Had a few leads in today from both Australia and the US as well as Ireland. Have already called the people in Australia to get them on a live business overview for Liberty League. Trouble was I hadn't realized the clocks had changed in the States so had to rapidly call back and give the people the recorded number of the overview.

First attempt at doing a video testimonial for this blog yesterday but, was way too dark to put up so I'll wait until the weather settles down here and record it outside in the sunshine.

A lot of the guys in the company are getting prepared for the Summit Conference which is being held over five days at the end of March in Rome. People from all around the globe involved with Liberty League will be attending to catch up with other associates and get some great education and mentoring from the presenters as well as gaining tips from the leaders in the company.

We, in the UK, have our regular business overview calls this evening at 7.00pm GMT so I'll be there to give my support and assistance.

Til next time.