Tuesday 18 March 2008

Hello again, it's Tony Surry here.

After a quick look at the Liberty League leader board last night sales and call numbers are rocketing this week. Probably due to the upcoming event in Rome where thousands will be attending our 5 day Summit conference. It's got to be warmer down there than in the UK today.

My own leads are coming through steadily this week, which is fine, as if I get too many I tend to pass some over to my other associates to help them get going faster. Over the past twentyfour hours have had a number of conversations with other associates to provide any help and doing a few 3-ways when required. That's what I love about this business, everyone is only too happy to assist others, even if there is no financial gain to be had for them personally.

The numbers on the European/UK business overview call are increasing day after day and new people are jumping out to give testimonials about how they are doing in the business and the life changing effects of going through and applying the principles of the Beyond Freedom course.

Will have another go at doing a testimonial video later today and see how that turns out. If it's OK I will post up here later.

Took time out to view a DVD we recently received from James Arthur Ray called "Parallel Universes" which is well worth seeing yourself if personal development in important to you. A number of concepts were covered on the film which included a topic covered last week by Prof Stephen Hawkings about there being more than the four dimensions in this world. There could be eleven and possibly more. If get the chance get hold of a copy.

That's all for today.

Have a great day......you certainly deserve it.

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