Tuesday 1 April 2008

April Fools Day !!!!

Hi, it's Tony again here,

Yes it's that time of the year here in the UK where anything can happen prior to 12.00 midday. It's April Fools Day and we have to be wary of the jokers out there.

All the guys from Liberty League are out in Italy this week, as it's the five day Summit conference. Going by the messages I'm getting from there they are having a great time. Several of us are staying put in the UK doing the business but, you really can travel anywhere in the world as long as you have a laptop and a phone to keep up with connecting with new people. So, it's a totally portable business.

Following on from going through my BeyondFreedom course for the fifth time, I find something new every time I go through it, I found I'm reading a lot of inspirational books. I've just finished reading one by Marci Shimoff, of the Secret movie, called "Happy for No Reason" which if you can get hold of a copy is amazing.

I have just started the latest from Richard Branson called "Screw it, Let's Do It" and is, so far, a mind blowing story from his childhood up to around 2006. How he is still alive is spectacular aside from his business achievements to date. He is definitely someone who walks the talk. He has shifted his approach to his business and personal life towards the major topic of global warming and the planet in general. All his future activities, it seems, are directed to not harming the environment and still generating income and most of all having fun.

Going to have a go at this movie in a minute. This is going to be a short testimonial from myself.

Catch you next time.

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