Thursday 6 March 2008

Beyond Freedom

Hello again,

Today is a relatively quiet one so far. Had contact with a fellow associate in Liberty League who is based in Japan. An Australian who has been working as an accountant in that country and got involved recently in the business. He needed someone over here in the UK to do some 3-ways. That's one of the beauty's of this global business, the whole community helps everyone out in order that we all succeed. Not the usual corporate style of keeping anyone else in the dark and let them trip over as often as possible.

Had a great weekend, when I got up and took a look at my computor and found I was better off by 2000. Didn't see that coming.

Where else can you sleep and make money at the same time.

Only have a few leads to call back today so plenty of free time to do my own thing. Gone are the days of working 70-80 hours a week working my own JOB.

See you all later.

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