Wednesday 25 July 2007

Beyond Freedom

If you want to achieve your annual income monthly and you consider yourself a serious entrepreneur with prosperity consciousness, willing to look at opportunities in the self-improvement field, then there are a number of facts you may find useful that could drive you from just a money maker to a billionaire and live the dreamlife you desire.

So, this week, let's talk business. In our society today, there are two kinds of people in the business world: entrepreneurs and employees. Both contribute to society in uniquely different ways and everyone gets to decide who they choose to be.

So, let's start with this question? What is the main purpose of a business?

Well, the main purpose of a business is to generate profit for the business owner. Entrepreneurs are the people who expend their time, creativity and resources and are bold enough to take the risks associated with starting a business. They are the pioneers of our society and they profit as such.

The purpose of an employee is to help the business achieve the level of profit the entrepreneur is envisioning. Employees work to bring the dreams of entrepreneurs to fruition.

A common complaint of most employees is that they have no control in their life and they aren't earning what they are worth. And they are absolutely correct!

Entrepreneurs use the power of leverage to create their wealth and profit from the service provided by the employees. As an entrepreneur you are in control, as an employee you're's that simple.

Because they are willing to take the actions, take the risks and follow their dreams, entrepreneurs are in a position to benefit from the leverage employees provide. Employees are looking for security......a guaranteed paycheck. They trade their time for money and the corporate model is designed to profit from this. The average employee will typically take home about 10% of the profit their efforts produce. The business owner takes home the other 90%.

One of the keys to generating wealth is to break free of the employee mentality and move into the entrepreneural way of thinking. As an employee you are not in a position to profit from your own efforts, nor are you in a position to benefit from leverage. There will always be a limit on what you make and that limit is determined by the business owner, to maximize their profit.

So, if you're working to build someone else's dream and you're committed to building real wealth for yourself, it's time to take a bold step and become an entrepreneur. For many people that opens a Pandora's box of questions.

Next time we'll cover a simple system you can follow to choose the right business for you.

Til then.

Tony Surry
Residual Income Opportunity
Charles Haanel. Secret to Success

P.S. There is a science of getting rich. It is an ageless theory that you have to relive your past and project it into the future. I believe that's not true. Life is to be something to enjoy not endure.

Thursday 19 July 2007

Beyond Freedom

Over the last few weeks we've talked about a few of the key steps for you to take to achieve the success you desire in any area of your life. This time I'm going to share with you a very simple three step formula that you can follow to achieve extraordinary results and get everything you want out of life.

The formula is : FOCUS, ACTION, RESULTS! Simple but powerful.

The first step is FOCUS. Once you have defined your specific goal so that you clearly know what you desire to achieve and by when, write it down. Take time each day to look over your written goals and to visualize the achievement of them. Carry a goal card with you always. Rather than thinking OF the end.....think FROM the end as though you have already achieved your goal. Develop a mental movie of what your life is like having accomplished everything you desire.

Do you desire to be in better physical shape? What does it feel like to be wearing an attractive new outfit, having everyone admire your physique?

Are you looking to start your own business? What does it feel like when you deposit the first check into your business account? A new car you want? How do you feel behind the wheel? What does it feel like? Do you feel accomplished? Confident? Relaxed? Focus on those feelings of success throughout your day...success begets success; it's the law of attraction. You'll find the exact circumstances you require to achieve your goals begin to fall into place.

The second step is ACTION: To achieve the success you desire you are going to have to take some serious action! The actions will most likely be out of your comfort zone, but get better results, you have to be willing to go above and beyond what you have been doing in the past. I mean, if you want to get into better shape, you'll have to commit to a healthy way of eating and exercising.

If you want to become an entrepreneur, you'll have to get comfortable with taking risks. Develop a specific action plan of steps that you are committed to taking on a daily basis to achieve your goal. Make a checklist and stick to it.

The third step is the glory.......the RESULTS. If you commit to focusing on your daily goal and following through with the actions you are guaranteed the results! Congratulate yourself on your success. Once you have realized the success you desired, take a moment to refocus and begin formulating your next goal.

And remember....the simple, but powerful formula for success is Focus....Action....Results.

Until next time have a great week.

I'll be sharing with you another tip for creating wealth in your life when we meet again.

Tony Surry
Residual Income Opportunity
Charles F. Haanels Secrets to Success

Friday 13 July 2007

Beyond Freedom

If you want to achieve your annual income monthly and you consider yourself a serious entrepreneur with prosperity consciousness, willing to look at opportunities in the self-improvement field, then there are a number of facts you may find useful that could drive you from just a money maker to a billionaire and live the dreamlife you desire.

Today, let's talk about how you can put the achievement of your goals into hyper-drive. Most people put a time line on their goals that is far greater than what it actually takes to achieve them. As Bob Proctor says in the movie "The Secret", "work expands to fill the time allowed for it".

You see, most people base what they want on what they think they can accomplish based on their past. So, they think that it will take a lot more time for them to get the results they want.

Well, I'm going to share with you a powerful tool you can use to achieve your goals in much less's called visualization.

Visualization is a simple but powerful technique that will allow you to become emotionally involved with the achievement of you goals.

You know, many people never allow themselves to dream about their future. As kids, we all daydreamed. We had pictures of being princesses or movie stars, firefighters, famous athletes, visiting faraway lands and much, much more. We allowed our minds to create mental movies of our future and it was fun!

Then life gets to us. We begin to believe we are only capable of so much, we buy into the limitations we believe are there and we stop dreaming. We stop dreaming and start maintaining!

To live a life that is extraordinary, it's time to start dreaming again. If there were no limitations in your life........if you had an abundance of time, financial resources and skill, what would you want to be, do or have? Think about it.......absolutely no limitations!

You're the director of your life, so let's write the movie in which you are the leading star. In this movie, you can accomplish everything you want to accomplish. you achieve your goals easily and quickly attracting the perfect circumstances to your life to make it happen. Close your eyes and begin to see yourself in the movie of your life, living the life you dream about. How do you feel?

Allow yourself to experience the feeling of accomplishment, joy, peace and happiness now that you are living a life without limitation and are achieving everything you've always wanted.

This is visualization.....practised for about 10 minutes two or three times a day puts the achievement of your goals into hyper-drive. Every person who has accomplished great success has first formulated the mental movie of that success--- getting a mental picture of their invention, receiving awards, driving the BMW or Mercedes, buying their new home, walking down the red carpet....etc. Experiencing the already achievement of your goals will give you the emotional passion driving you to success.

Next time I'll share with you a simple formula that has enabled people to become amazingly successful in record time!

Tony Surry
Residual Income Opportunity
Charles Haanel Secret to Success.
P.S. There is a science of getting rich. It is an ageless theory that you have to relive your past and project it into the future. I believe that's not true. Life is to be something to enjoy not endure.

Monday 9 July 2007

Beyond Freedom

If you want to achieve your annual income monthly and you consider yourself a serious entrepreneur with prosperity consciousness, willing to look at opportunities in the self-improvement field, then there are a number of facts you may find useful that could drive you from just a money maker to a billionaire and live the dreamlife you desire.

Today I'm going to share with you the first step in achieving and obtaining all that you desire in your life.

Now, think about this.....your entire life you have been dreaming about your life. When you were a little kid you had visions of what your life would be like today? Is it everything you expected?

If you're like most people, probably not......why is that? Because we get stuck in the cycle of maintaining....we end up in jobs we don't like, living in places we don't want to be in simply working year after year to maintain a lifestyle we aren't even satisfied with.

As Bill Copeland said, " The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your entire life running up and down the field and never score."

So, how do we break the cycle? How do you break the frustrating cycle of simply running around the field to scoring everything you want in your life. It all starts with setting a goal.

Now a goal is more than just a want or a's specific, measurable and very attainable. A goal is the achievement or result toward which we focus all of our effort---it's the finish line.

Have you achieved everything you wanted to this year? If not....there's still time! Take today to decide what you are committed to achieving before this year is over. Commit it to writing! Write down a specific goal starting with, "It is December 31st, and I am so happy and grateful now that I have.............................."

Carry this goal card with you everywhere, focus on it multiple times a day and you'll notice the excitement and momentum you'll feel as your life takes on a new focus and intention.

Next time I'll share with you how to achieve your goals in record time!

Make it a great week!

Regards Tony Surry

Residual Income Opportunity
Charles Haanel Secret to Success

Tuesday 3 July 2007

Beyond Freedom

Following on from the previous post I'm going to share one of the most powerful elements of achieving extraordinary success in your life: DESIRE!

Napoleon Hill, in his breakthrough work "Think and Grow Rich", stated "Whatever the Mind of Man can Conceive and Believe it can Achieve."

Now, many people today live their entire lives based on limitation. They have no problem in dreaming and conceiving what they want in their lives, the challenge comes in actually believing it's possible. Many people base their wants and their desires on what they believe they can afford or what they'll have time for or what they are capable of.

Well, in order to achieve extraordinary success you have to move beyond those limitations and develop the desire to make our dreams into reality. Now, desire is much more powerful than just a "want" or a "wish"'s a burning passion in our core that moves us to take extraordinary actions. It moves us beyond those perceived limitations to actually make our dreams our reality.

So what do you desire for yourself in your life? Take some time this week and think, if there were no limitations in your life and you had endless financial resources and an abundance of time, what would you be, do and have in your life right now today.

Take some time and write it down and next time we'll talk about the next step in transforming your desire into reality.

Til next time have a great week.

Tony Surry

Residual Income Opportunity

Charles F. Haanels Secret to Success