Thursday 19 July 2007

Beyond Freedom

Over the last few weeks we've talked about a few of the key steps for you to take to achieve the success you desire in any area of your life. This time I'm going to share with you a very simple three step formula that you can follow to achieve extraordinary results and get everything you want out of life.

The formula is : FOCUS, ACTION, RESULTS! Simple but powerful.

The first step is FOCUS. Once you have defined your specific goal so that you clearly know what you desire to achieve and by when, write it down. Take time each day to look over your written goals and to visualize the achievement of them. Carry a goal card with you always. Rather than thinking OF the end.....think FROM the end as though you have already achieved your goal. Develop a mental movie of what your life is like having accomplished everything you desire.

Do you desire to be in better physical shape? What does it feel like to be wearing an attractive new outfit, having everyone admire your physique?

Are you looking to start your own business? What does it feel like when you deposit the first check into your business account? A new car you want? How do you feel behind the wheel? What does it feel like? Do you feel accomplished? Confident? Relaxed? Focus on those feelings of success throughout your day...success begets success; it's the law of attraction. You'll find the exact circumstances you require to achieve your goals begin to fall into place.

The second step is ACTION: To achieve the success you desire you are going to have to take some serious action! The actions will most likely be out of your comfort zone, but get better results, you have to be willing to go above and beyond what you have been doing in the past. I mean, if you want to get into better shape, you'll have to commit to a healthy way of eating and exercising.

If you want to become an entrepreneur, you'll have to get comfortable with taking risks. Develop a specific action plan of steps that you are committed to taking on a daily basis to achieve your goal. Make a checklist and stick to it.

The third step is the glory.......the RESULTS. If you commit to focusing on your daily goal and following through with the actions you are guaranteed the results! Congratulate yourself on your success. Once you have realized the success you desired, take a moment to refocus and begin formulating your next goal.

And remember....the simple, but powerful formula for success is Focus....Action....Results.

Until next time have a great week.

I'll be sharing with you another tip for creating wealth in your life when we meet again.

Tony Surry
Residual Income Opportunity
Charles F. Haanels Secrets to Success

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