Wednesday 25 July 2007

Beyond Freedom

If you want to achieve your annual income monthly and you consider yourself a serious entrepreneur with prosperity consciousness, willing to look at opportunities in the self-improvement field, then there are a number of facts you may find useful that could drive you from just a money maker to a billionaire and live the dreamlife you desire.

So, this week, let's talk business. In our society today, there are two kinds of people in the business world: entrepreneurs and employees. Both contribute to society in uniquely different ways and everyone gets to decide who they choose to be.

So, let's start with this question? What is the main purpose of a business?

Well, the main purpose of a business is to generate profit for the business owner. Entrepreneurs are the people who expend their time, creativity and resources and are bold enough to take the risks associated with starting a business. They are the pioneers of our society and they profit as such.

The purpose of an employee is to help the business achieve the level of profit the entrepreneur is envisioning. Employees work to bring the dreams of entrepreneurs to fruition.

A common complaint of most employees is that they have no control in their life and they aren't earning what they are worth. And they are absolutely correct!

Entrepreneurs use the power of leverage to create their wealth and profit from the service provided by the employees. As an entrepreneur you are in control, as an employee you're's that simple.

Because they are willing to take the actions, take the risks and follow their dreams, entrepreneurs are in a position to benefit from the leverage employees provide. Employees are looking for security......a guaranteed paycheck. They trade their time for money and the corporate model is designed to profit from this. The average employee will typically take home about 10% of the profit their efforts produce. The business owner takes home the other 90%.

One of the keys to generating wealth is to break free of the employee mentality and move into the entrepreneural way of thinking. As an employee you are not in a position to profit from your own efforts, nor are you in a position to benefit from leverage. There will always be a limit on what you make and that limit is determined by the business owner, to maximize their profit.

So, if you're working to build someone else's dream and you're committed to building real wealth for yourself, it's time to take a bold step and become an entrepreneur. For many people that opens a Pandora's box of questions.

Next time we'll cover a simple system you can follow to choose the right business for you.

Til then.

Tony Surry
Residual Income Opportunity
Charles Haanel. Secret to Success

P.S. There is a science of getting rich. It is an ageless theory that you have to relive your past and project it into the future. I believe that's not true. Life is to be something to enjoy not endure.

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