Monday 9 July 2007

Beyond Freedom

If you want to achieve your annual income monthly and you consider yourself a serious entrepreneur with prosperity consciousness, willing to look at opportunities in the self-improvement field, then there are a number of facts you may find useful that could drive you from just a money maker to a billionaire and live the dreamlife you desire.

Today I'm going to share with you the first step in achieving and obtaining all that you desire in your life.

Now, think about this.....your entire life you have been dreaming about your life. When you were a little kid you had visions of what your life would be like today? Is it everything you expected?

If you're like most people, probably not......why is that? Because we get stuck in the cycle of maintaining....we end up in jobs we don't like, living in places we don't want to be in simply working year after year to maintain a lifestyle we aren't even satisfied with.

As Bill Copeland said, " The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your entire life running up and down the field and never score."

So, how do we break the cycle? How do you break the frustrating cycle of simply running around the field to scoring everything you want in your life. It all starts with setting a goal.

Now a goal is more than just a want or a's specific, measurable and very attainable. A goal is the achievement or result toward which we focus all of our effort---it's the finish line.

Have you achieved everything you wanted to this year? If not....there's still time! Take today to decide what you are committed to achieving before this year is over. Commit it to writing! Write down a specific goal starting with, "It is December 31st, and I am so happy and grateful now that I have.............................."

Carry this goal card with you everywhere, focus on it multiple times a day and you'll notice the excitement and momentum you'll feel as your life takes on a new focus and intention.

Next time I'll share with you how to achieve your goals in record time!

Make it a great week!

Regards Tony Surry

Residual Income Opportunity
Charles Haanel Secret to Success

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