Tuesday 3 July 2007

Beyond Freedom

Following on from the previous post I'm going to share one of the most powerful elements of achieving extraordinary success in your life: DESIRE!

Napoleon Hill, in his breakthrough work "Think and Grow Rich", stated "Whatever the Mind of Man can Conceive and Believe it can Achieve."

Now, many people today live their entire lives based on limitation. They have no problem in dreaming and conceiving what they want in their lives, the challenge comes in actually believing it's possible. Many people base their wants and their desires on what they believe they can afford or what they'll have time for or what they are capable of.

Well, in order to achieve extraordinary success you have to move beyond those limitations and develop the desire to make our dreams into reality. Now, desire is much more powerful than just a "want" or a "wish"......it's a burning passion in our core that moves us to take extraordinary actions. It moves us beyond those perceived limitations to actually make our dreams our reality.

So what do you desire for yourself in your life? Take some time this week and think, if there were no limitations in your life and you had endless financial resources and an abundance of time, what would you be, do and have in your life right now today.

Take some time and write it down and next time we'll talk about the next step in transforming your desire into reality.

Til next time have a great week.

Tony Surry

Residual Income Opportunity

Charles F. Haanels Secret to Success

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