Friday 13 July 2007

Beyond Freedom

If you want to achieve your annual income monthly and you consider yourself a serious entrepreneur with prosperity consciousness, willing to look at opportunities in the self-improvement field, then there are a number of facts you may find useful that could drive you from just a money maker to a billionaire and live the dreamlife you desire.

Today, let's talk about how you can put the achievement of your goals into hyper-drive. Most people put a time line on their goals that is far greater than what it actually takes to achieve them. As Bob Proctor says in the movie "The Secret", "work expands to fill the time allowed for it".

You see, most people base what they want on what they think they can accomplish based on their past. So, they think that it will take a lot more time for them to get the results they want.

Well, I'm going to share with you a powerful tool you can use to achieve your goals in much less's called visualization.

Visualization is a simple but powerful technique that will allow you to become emotionally involved with the achievement of you goals.

You know, many people never allow themselves to dream about their future. As kids, we all daydreamed. We had pictures of being princesses or movie stars, firefighters, famous athletes, visiting faraway lands and much, much more. We allowed our minds to create mental movies of our future and it was fun!

Then life gets to us. We begin to believe we are only capable of so much, we buy into the limitations we believe are there and we stop dreaming. We stop dreaming and start maintaining!

To live a life that is extraordinary, it's time to start dreaming again. If there were no limitations in your life........if you had an abundance of time, financial resources and skill, what would you want to be, do or have? Think about it.......absolutely no limitations!

You're the director of your life, so let's write the movie in which you are the leading star. In this movie, you can accomplish everything you want to accomplish. you achieve your goals easily and quickly attracting the perfect circumstances to your life to make it happen. Close your eyes and begin to see yourself in the movie of your life, living the life you dream about. How do you feel?

Allow yourself to experience the feeling of accomplishment, joy, peace and happiness now that you are living a life without limitation and are achieving everything you've always wanted.

This is visualization.....practised for about 10 minutes two or three times a day puts the achievement of your goals into hyper-drive. Every person who has accomplished great success has first formulated the mental movie of that success--- getting a mental picture of their invention, receiving awards, driving the BMW or Mercedes, buying their new home, walking down the red carpet....etc. Experiencing the already achievement of your goals will give you the emotional passion driving you to success.

Next time I'll share with you a simple formula that has enabled people to become amazingly successful in record time!

Tony Surry
Residual Income Opportunity
Charles Haanel Secret to Success.
P.S. There is a science of getting rich. It is an ageless theory that you have to relive your past and project it into the future. I believe that's not true. Life is to be something to enjoy not endure.

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